Thomas R. Williams was raised in Utah, roaming the fields and mountains with his best friend, Kyle. He adamantly told his mother many times that he was an outdoor boy and, therefore, had no interest in reading. Now, a few decades later, he’s decided that books aren’t so bad.
If you’re a kid or you remember being one, read the short passages about when Thomas was young. If you’re a parent, you might enjoy the excerpts from the annual Christmas letter Thomas sends out to his family and friends--it's always devoted to the funny things that happen when you’re raising kids (he has thirteen).
Thomas Williams and his publisher, Zettai Makeru, support kids getting a good education. Thomas has visited tens of thousands of kids in schools to promote reading and writing. Recently, many kids participated in The Adventures of Dod 500 word essay contest. 31 students were awarded cash prizes, including the first place of $1,000!
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