The Adventures of Dod

Everybody loves a good laugh. The following comics were created by cartoonist Sir Edward Snake specifically for The Adventures of Dod website.

Many of the funny pictures are humorous because of scenes in the series. However, as you’ll see, you don’t need to visit Green, Raul, or Soosh, or be a Coosing at Twistyard to find humor in these hilarious pictures. Go ahead and LOL.

Feel free to print as many copies as you want, just not for commercial gain.


Mean Boy

Billies at Sea A

Billies at Sea B


Beasty A

Beasty B

Ladies First


Proud A

Proud B


Holiday A

Holiday B


Dentist A

Dentist B


"Bah! I think you're being humble....You'd make a great Chief Noble Tredder of Green."

~ Dilly, Book 1

 "Don't forget, you're not alive until you're really living."

~ Jack Parry, Book 2

"...don't be quick to judge.  Beneath every wiggling glove is a hand, and it's behind the mask where the true man lies.  He has his good reasons, I'm sure: We know Dod." 

~ Bonboo, Book 2

"Mentioning Boot's father like that was completely heartless and unforgivable.  Only a rock with no emotion whatsoever would concoct the things he said." 

~ Sawny, Book 2

"Dod, you must be made of something more durable than I am. It's your lucky feet, I guess." 

~ Higga, Book 1

"I guess that's what you get for sleeping in.  You're a link left out of the chain." 

~ Buck, Book 1

"No worries, honey.  I can keep up with you if you help me." 

~ Ingrid, Book 2

"Oh tick-blood!" 

~ Buck, Book 1

"As you can all see, I'm a fortunate man indeed..." 

~ Commendus, Book 2

"Sure he does.  That's a bunch of boosap!" 

~ Boot, Book 1

"If you've brought us all the way over here to show us the insides of that thing, I'm not going to be pleased." 

~ Sawny, Book 2

"You'll bring me there next time, won't you, Cole?"

~ Josh, Book 2

"We need another quick mind around here these days--tough times with the likes of Dreaderious and his kind lurking about."

~ Mercy, Book 1

“All that intrigue over a couple of notes? Even Sawny doesn’t like books that much.”

~ Buck, Book 1

"Please, son, try to be good tomorrow." 

~ Bonboo, Book 1

 " many trees need to fall before it's not just the wind?"

~ Juny, Book 1

"I'd imagine all sorts of foolish articles will post about me--how I hate noble billies. They'll claim the most absurd things..." 

~ Strat, Book 2

"...I could have died.  Some dosippitous corranus handled my riggings today." 

~ Sirlonk, Book 1

"I don't know. It's a massive ball of trouble--its legs flailing, its razor-sharp claws slicing....I know this for sure--it's not meant to be here in Green."

~ Bowlure, Book 2

"I thought we had an agreement!  Didn't you sign with your knife?" 

~ Murdore, Book 2

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