The Adventures of Dod

Get out your scissors and glue! In the Arts & Crafts section, we have all sorts of fun projects. You can make your own Adventures of Dod memory game and a cool box to keep it in, or create bookmarks, or even make stick puppets.

Feel free to print as many copies as you want, just not for commercial gain.

Dod Cover

Bookmarks 1

Bookmarks 2

Bookmarks 3

Small Box

Board Game Page 1

Board Game Page 2

Make a Word Search

Box Instructions

Game Box 1a

Game Box 1b

Game Box 2a

Game Box 2b

Matching Game Instructions

1 Matching Game Page 1

1 Matching Game Page 2

1 Matching Game Page 3

1 Mathcing Game Page 4

1 Matching Game Page 5

1 Matching Game Page 6

2 Matching Game Page 1

2 Matching Game Page 2

2 Matching Game Page 3

2 Matching Game Page 4

2 Matching Game Page 5

2 Matching Game Page 6

2 Matching Game Page 7

Shooter Stick Puppet

Skull Stick Puppet

Toad Stick Puppet

Spider Stick Puppet

Mask Stick Puppet

Sneaker Stick Puppet

Dungo & Soldier Stick Puppet


"...if I would have been in your shoes, with Bonboo telling me to jump and save myself... I probably would have jumped." 

~ Boot, Book 1

"Less tads, less swappers....We're down to forty-six, and only three of them are aided by swappers. It's tragic. I suppose we may live to see the day when they'll all be a thing of the past."

~ Pious, Book 2

"I almost didn't recognize you with a shirt on." 

~ Dari, Book 2

 " aunt is always saying that a woman's first right is to change her mind as many times as she wants, and a man's first duty is to accept it."

~ Dod, Book 1

“All that intrigue over a couple of notes? Even Sawny doesn’t like books that much.”

~ Buck, Book 1

 "If The Dread is among us, then we must act normal.  Any suspicious behavior would certainly lead to a swift and fatal meeting with him!"

~ Dilly, Book 1

"My goodness, son!  The word's not Dossum!" 

~ Higga, Book 1

"I guess that's what you get for sleeping in.  You're a link left out of the chain." 

~ Buck, Book 1

"Bah! I think you're being humble....You'd make a great Chief Noble Tredder of Green."

~ Dilly, Book 1


~ Boot, Book 1

 "Oh--that Dod."

~ Neadrou, Book 2

"Zerny's pets....He's taken to a hobby, but someth'n smudged 'em all out."

~ Skap, Book 2

 "I wouldn't quit the Coosings!  Sawb really stretched when he appointed me last year--my family, you know; we're not chauss or toting gold."

~ Doochi, Book 1

"Enjoy Driaxom.  I hope you live a long, long, long life!" 

~ Dod, Book 1

"You just don't go there and expect to come back alive. Cat fights are wicked." 

~ Dod, Book 1

"You're not the only one that thinks the Camerons ought to be taught a royal lesson." 

~ Josh, Book 1

"Quiet as a mouse.  What would he have been shouting about?" 

~ Dilly, Book 2

"Sorry about Pap...I liked him."

~ Tonnis, Book 2

"If you've brought us all the way over here to show us the insides of that thing, I'm not going to be pleased." 

~ Sawny, Book 2

"I'd like strawberry jam on my toast."

~ Dod, Book 1

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