The Adventures of Dod

Contact: Author, Thomas R. Williams or Publisher, Zettai Makeru 

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"He does stuff like that....You ought to come back to Twistyard with us.  It's more fun being a Coosing now that Dod's around..." 

~ Buck, Book 2

"Sorry about Pap...I liked him."

~ Tonnis, Book 2

 "It's the best in all of us, the grand dream, the lingering hope of what my family trusts can one day become everyone's inheritance."

~ Dilly, Book 1

“All that intrigue over a couple of notes? Even Sawny doesn’t like books that much.”

~ Buck, Book 1

 "...The Beast is really close!  Watch out, Boot!"

~ Dod, Book 2

"As you can all see, I'm a fortunate man indeed..." 

~ Commendus, Book 2

"I do....I keep all of the rules that need keeping!" 

~ Dilly, Book 1

"Fourteen? You're hardly weaned. Where's your mother? I should expect she is worried stiff that you've escaped your crib....Perhaps you've lost your way..."

~ Sirlonk, Book 1

"I'm serious about bad luck. It's funny until it happens to you..." 

~ Sawny, Book 1

"We're thinking about starting our own trio." 

~ Rot, Book 2

"She's going to get you one of these days.  You better watch your back...if you prank her wrong, she'll plunk you with her sword...only to discover later that you were kidding."

~ Bowy, Book 2

"You'll bring me there next time, won't you, Cole?"

~ Josh, Book 2

"I cheat!  Let me show you my back patio, it's the secret to my success with plants."

~ Youk, Book 1

"Why be mad when you can choose to be happy?" 

~ Bowlure, Book 1

"Oh, and Eluxa, if you think Bowy ever noticed you, you're the one with a horrible memory!" 

~ Boot, Book 1

"My pies, Boot! Dilly didn't tell me he was a Coosing....How come I'm the last to hear about these kinds of things? I see he's sporting the ring. That's fantastic!"

~ Mercy, Book 1

"I thought I told you to run, boy!  Apparently my legs work just fine."

~ Dod, Book 1

"No worries, honey.  I can keep up with you if you help me." 

~ Ingrid, Book 2

"Always question the unusual, but be particularly skeptical of the apparent. Your opponent, if he or she is witty, will capitalize on the obvious to ensnare you.  Don't fall for it." 

~ Youk, Book 1

"Of course he is dricking you....Look ad him."

~ Dungo, Book 1

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