The Adventures of Dod

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"Sorry I didn't get the rest of him."

~ Dod, Book 2

"But for the love of Saluci, that mare is foremost in Youk's heart." 

~ Sawny, Book 1

 "Yes, I'd agree this whole place has gone twirling mad!"

~ Sirlonk, Book 1

"Less tads, less swappers....We're down to forty-six, and only three of them are aided by swappers. It's tragic. I suppose we may live to see the day when they'll all be a thing of the past."

~ Pious, Book 2

"Dod, you must be made of something more durable than I am. It's your lucky feet, I guess." 

~ Higga, Book 1

"Fine enough, but can't you let an old lady like myself use your facility first.  I'm likely to leak any minute. Your men rudely dragged me away from the shipyard, claiming I was trouble..." 

~ Ingrid, Book 2

"You're not the only one that thinks the Camerons ought to be taught a royal lesson." 

~ Josh, Book 1

"Not so fast.  I know you. You're full of tricks. The moment I turn my back, you'll disappear for another three months." 

~ Jibb, Book 2

"Everyone deserves a second chance...everyone." 

~ Boot, Book 2

"Always question the unusual, but be particularly skeptical of the apparent. Your opponent, if he or she is witty, will capitalize on the obvious to ensnare you.  Don't fall for it." 

~ Youk, Book 1

"Please, son, try to be good tomorrow." 

~ Bonboo, Book 1

 "E-everything you can see from here to L-Lake Mauj is his, and the l-lake is his, too."

~ Zerny, Book 1

 "I wouldn't quit the Coosings!  Sawb really stretched when he appointed me last year--my family, you know; we're not chauss or toting gold."

~ Doochi, Book 1

"I do....I keep all of the rules that need keeping!" 

~ Dilly, Book 1

"You better hurry, Dod.  You've got to sign in or Mr. Clair won't let you duel--and you're up first in the level-five ring." 

~ Pone, Book 2

“All that intrigue over a couple of notes? Even Sawny doesn’t like books that much.”

~ Buck, Book 1

"Oh tick-blood!" 

~ Buck, Book 1

"Look ad you self, puny, ugly worm!" 

~ Dungo, Book 1

"You putrid, loathing, degenerate snake!" 

~ Dod, Book 1

"No worries, honey.  I can keep up with you if you help me." 

~ Ingrid, Book 2

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